Twitter Challenge Answers #WIPJoy July 2018

Into Week
1. (Sunday off!)

2. Pitch your WIP as fast as you can!
Rachael’s marriage is stuck in monotony. But fire burns in the most unlikely of places as her D&D character, Lilly, falls for the rock mage Craig. But Craig is her husband’s brother and her husband is running the game! Can Rachael keep her worlds apart?

3. Your MC in a line, song, and photo.
“If I stay, I would sing at the tavern. I want to meet more dragons. I want to be something more than I am,” Lilly Sounded Suprised by her own words. Where was this coming from?
Gotye – Somebody That I Used to Know

4. A line that hooks readers.
Rachael didn’t have more tears. Tonight had been for her. With someone, she would never have to see again. Someone who made her feel special loved and taken care of. Everything would be all right now.

5. 3 side characters you love.
Tom, for his blunt honesty and straightforward view of the world.
4aDeer, for his wise use of incomplete sentences.
Karen, because everyone needs a friend who can talk about sex as if it was coffee.

6. #1randomques: your characters are introducing their own story – what do they say?
“Am I in love with a man, a fantasy or the idea of being in love?” – Rachael introducing her own story.

7/8. Weekend prompt: what would you send the MC in a care package.
I would not send Rachael a care package. Care packages are filled with things you would like to receive, not what the person you give them to would like to have. But I would get her a gift card.

Food Week

9. MC ideal meal/favorite food.
Rachael’s favorite food is coffee, or wait that isn’t a food, is it? Then chili, definitely chili. Made with chocolate, dark chocolate. Yummy.

10. A food your MC cannot eat – why?
Rachael has no allergies to food but she prefers to limit her processed sugars. Because they make her hyper and break out like a teenager.

11. A line about food.
“I think I would prefer the letter. Orc meat is a little touch and I already have someone slow cooking in my cauldron.”

12. How does your cast keep fed?
In the Underdark the cast lives on bland mushroom stew while their alter egos feast on all things crispy, salty and sweet.

13. #1randomques: your characters are dropped into the cooking competition of your choice – how does it go?
The cooking competition goes great. Everyone does whatever they want adn then victory is declared by all while the judge cries.

14/15. What would your MC feed to unexpected dinner guests?
Unexpected dinner guests come in many forms. Pizza is always the answer.

Character Takeover Week

16. MC: your childhood summers.
Rachael spent her childhood summers doing odd jobs for the neighbors, playing o the beach and reading.

17. Antagonist: your bedtime rituals.
Before going to bed Greg brushes his teeth, he rereads D&D handbooks for loopholes and pictures his future life with the object of his twisted obsession.

18. A line from a minor character.
“Shits going down and I will go to the grave with my secrets” – Karen

19. MC: something you’re ashamed of.
Rachael is ashamed of a lot of things but, you only live once. There is no reason to dwell on them.

20. #1randomques: you’re in a therapy session and your characters are analyzing YOU – how does it go?
Smoothly. I am straightforward, honest, and opened. The party is happy to pick apart my issues rather than look at their own.

21/22. Antagonist: the kindest thing you’ve ever done.
Back in California, Greg regularly bought a second set of groceries for a local homeless man. But it is so much easier to be kind to strangers than family.

Which Character Week

23. Which character is the most tech-savvy? Which is the least?
Aaron is by far the most tech-savvy, being a programmer, and super smart. Rachael is probably the least having Aaron around to fix stuff doesn’t teach you to do it yourself.

24. Which is the warmest? Coldest?
Greg, being very athletic, is probably the warmest. Karen always has a sweater with her. The air conditioning can be quite chilly.

25. Which are the most/least religious? Share a line or two showing this!
4aDeer, being a Paladin, is the most religious. However, Martin, being 4aDeer’s alter ego, often forgets to thank his god… and his lack of memory guarantees a lack of godly favors and joy from the DM.

26. Which are the most/least confident?
Greg and Karen are in the running for most confident. Greg would win, purely based on psychosis. Tom would be the least, he has done everything right, yet no girlfriend has magically appeared.

27. #1randomques: Would your characters rather defeat their greatest enemy or win the heart of their eternal soul mate?
As all real gamers would choose.
Greatest Enemy!
Individually, I think more would rather win the heart of their eternal soul mate. Even if they wouldn’t admit to it.

28/29. Which are most/least chill?
Debby is the most chill. Nothing phases this woman, quick to point out your bull shit, she will happily sit in it with you as long as you acknowledge it.
Least chill is complicated when your world is full of secrets.

30. Your best writing wins this month.
This month, I got out of bed and typed a little.

31. Encourage your fellow writers!
“You may have invaded my mind and body but there is one thing a Saiyan always keeps… his pride!” – Vegeta. When you just can’t turn it off.