Fire – the world of candlelight.

What is it about candlelight that changes the way we perceive the world?

I’m a woman of texture! And no, that’s not just a way of saying I could lose a few pounds; it’s saying what makes life exciting is its differences.

Take fire! In all its forms, it dances, flickers, and unevenly lights the world. It creates shadows within shadows and brings out fear and peace in equal measure.

On some base level, as creatures of evolution, we’re all drawn to fire. The raw power that smolders in instincts we’ve long forgotten we even have calls to our ego. It beckons our imaginations and draws on a need for comfort and survival at the same time.

Fire is raw. It’s honest.

And it paired fantastically well with German Riesling. If you’re looking for a truly unique experience wine tasting, Eberbach will heat up your travels.