This is a topic of much discussion – to change or not to change. That is the question. I do not have a hard and fast rule.
I am currently working on turning Dvorak’s String Quartet No. 10 into a clarinet quartet. I just finished with movement one.
Many recordings of the original can be found on youtube:
My version being played on my computer – because finding a clarinet quartet in Yorkshire has not occurred yet, sadly.
I took an about 9-minute piece (with no repeats) and turned it into a 6-minute piece. What did I take out? About half of the development. Why?
Chaulk it up to technology, age or just the times we are living in BUT 9 minutes is just a really long time in 2018. Much of the development was also filled with questionable range choices that I needed to make in the first clarinet part and I felt that keeping the integrity of Dvorak’s main body would make this arrangement more concise and approachable.
However, to contrast that, to make this big cut I had to change the ‘climax’ of the section and create my own key change.
Blue – new “climax” of development, depending on performers musical choices.
Green – my cut.
Yellow – my added bit. Notice I did not change clarinet 1 or bass clarinet. I added harmonies and two beats of continued rhythm to help keep slow down the momentum and ease the transition.
Enjoy and leave me your thoughts! What I love about music – it is always changing, progressing and worthy of thought.