The Dungeon Mater’s Wife

The Dungeon Master’s Wife
Currently unpublished
Game System: D&D
Happily Ever After: No
Status: incomplete series

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Rachael’s marriage to Aaron is stuck in monotony. After three years, she and Aaron have fallen into a pattern of complacency.

But fire burns in the most unlikely of places, as her Dungeons & Dragons character, Lilly, begins to fall for the hot and steamy rock mage, Craig. The only problem is that the hot mage is played by Aaron’s brother… and Aaron is running the game.

Can Rachael keep her worlds apart?

The Dungeon Master’s Wife weaves together the world of magic and imagination with the realities of everyday life. Filled with adventure, role-playing, and steamy love affairs, Rachael’s journey will make you question, laugh, and love.