I love horses.
One of my dreams is to gallop a horse on a beach with a castle above/behind me. In my dream, my horse’s long legs move so smoothly I’m flying. The sun beats down on my back, making the sand sparkle, and the wind whips through my hair.
Left, stock image from google typing in ‘romantic horse rides on the beach.’
In Iceland, at Vík Horse Adventure, I had the opportunity to gallop an Icelandic Pony. With a volcano in the background. On a black sand beach. The wind didn’t even touch my hair under my helmet and the sun was nowhere in sight.
I could not stop giggling the entire time. 🐎 Little legs = little motions.
Imagine riding a tiny bicycle. Now imagine it’s super stubborn and has four legs instead of wheels.
As far as dreams come true though, I honestly couldn’t ask for a better one. It’s not the details that matter, but the moment. That instant where you let yourself experience what the world offers you, instead of what you ask of it.